A tribute to all the cool, quirky women of the entertainment biz.

Tag Archives: Viola Davis

So admittedly, I’ve never met Meryl Streep. And I’ve certainly never had a one-on-one sit down with the greatest actress ever to walk the face of the planet. But, if granted the opportunity, I imagine our conversation would go a little something like this.

Meryl, thank you for meeting with me today! First of all, how do you live your life being so consistently amazing?

Aw, stop it. I’m just lucky to have a career that I love and a family that makes my life complete.

That’s beautiful. Speaking of your family, you’ve been married to your husband, Don, for 35 years. How have you made the relationship work through a prolific Hollywood career and raising four children?

I would say commitment and communication. My husband and family have always been the most important things to me. I’m lucky to have three beautiful daughters and a handsome son, and I’m so proud of all of them. We just support each other and they really keep me grounded. Honestly, Abbey, I feel like you would fit right into our family.

Photo via Vincent Luigi Molino

The goddess herself. Photo via Vincent Luigi Molino,

You’re too much, Meryl, but I accept your invitation to become your honorary daughter/gal pal! Your lovely husband aside, you’ve had some pretty stellar male costars in your day including Robert Redford, Alec Baldwin, Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro, and a (pre-chair talk) Clint Eastwood. Who has been your favorite leading man?

Tough question. I would have to say Pierce Brosnan, based on pure singing abilities. Haha, just kidding! Honestly, I’ve loved working with all my costars, even the strangely intense ones like Robert De Niro. They’ve all brought something unique to the craft and I’ve learned how to improve my acting from all of them. Overall, though, anytime you’re hanging out on a safari with a young Robert Redford, it’s going to be a fulfilling project.

Agreed. You’ve played some really iconic characters in diverse films such as The Devil Wears Prada and The Iron Lady. How do you delve so deeply into a charter and craft such a distinctive portrait of the people you’re playing?

A lot of research is involved, especially when I’m portraying a real person. I work with dialect coaches, historians, the writers and filmmakers, and even other actors to ensure I’m giving the most authentic performance possible. It’s important for me to put my full focus on a role and completely immerse myself in it so that I truly come to understand my characters.

Well, clearly it’s that kind of dedication that has earned you 17 Oscar nominations and three wins. What about your passions outside of acting including  your charity work?

It’s really important to me to use my Hollywood role to advocate for larger social issues. I’m especially involved with the fight for women’s rights and freedom in women’s reproductive health. I’ve been lucky enough to partner with the Center for Reproductive Rights and The National Women’s Museum to advocate for women everywhere. My husband and I also actually have a charity, Silver Mountain Foundation For the Arts, which works to help other international organizations and promotes arts education. All of this work is an intensely meaningful portion of my life.

Meanwhile, you’re best buds with Viola Davis and get kissed by Colin Firth. Is it safe to say that the perks of being a world-class actress in Hollywood outweigh the struggles?

Oh, yeah. It can be a tough job sometimes, but I love it and can’t imagine doing anything else.